Jamie Brennan, MA, LPC

Psychotherapy & Counseling

Relationships | Life Transitions | Inspired Living | Turning Pain into Joy & Vitality | From Stuck To Thriving

New Clients

NEW CLIENTS– Are we a good fit for what you are wanting?

This section will help you to better assess if you feel I am a good match for what you are wanting and needing. The best way to find out though is to schedule an introductory session, which is discounted. It is highly likely you will walk away with great value even if you decide not to continue with me as your Coach or Therapist. I can assist you in unburdening from your habitual unhappy patterns and to engage life from your essential spirit, from your wholeness.

  • I start with the premise that we are all whole and worthy of infinite love and joy and wildly capable of creative contribution.

  • I also work form the understanding that we are all 100% responsible for our experience. This does not connote blame but rather authentic empowerment. I am a compassionate and hearty partner on this journey.

  • I can show you how to tell your story, in other words, relate to your past, so it liberates you instead of imprisoning you.

  • I can show you how to shift from trying to manage your life’s stressful circumstances to relaxing, enjoying, creating and playing instead.

  • I am as oriented to the spiritual as I am to the psychological because to attend to one and not the other makes us and our life lopsided. I can assist you in living a fully embodied life that is Spirit led and emotionally wise, and is beyond being seduced by spiritual by-passes or getting caught in psychological-processing eddies.

  • I work with in-the-moment core experiences, not anxiety driven interpretations and fix-it projects. I safely bring people to their vulnerable experience underneath their reactivity, underneath their stories, underneath their protective defensive and avoider parts – where the real power is, because reactivity (i.e., power over or power under) doesn’t work and coming into alignment with your true essence does.

  • I can assist you in feeling and befriending, with self-compassion, those parts of yourself that you are either scared of, mad at or don’t like. I can show you how to foster self-acceptance and compassion instead of projecting your pain/anger/discomfort through blame onto others or external situations and then getting caught in shame, blame games, sadness, fear, indifference, despair, confusion, one-up games, or numbness, just to name a few.

              “When there is no enemy inside, the enemy outside cannot hurt you.”                                                                      -African Proverb

  • I show clients how they are projecting their habituated wound patterns onto Spirit, the Divine, and the people in their life -and thus creating more of what is not wanted. I can assist you in connecting with your natural wholeness, your divinity, so you can shift out of your conditioned pain patterns and awaken to your inherent heart and Essence.

  • Please check out the resources on my website under the Links & Resources link as well as my handout titled: Growing-up, Showing-up, Waking-up, and Cleaning-up, under the Handouts link to get an even better sense of my work and orientation.

  • If you are a couple seeking relationship support, this level of personal engagement described above is as important as your relationship work. What we are not conscious of will make us reactive and will create a tangle and a sense of disconnect from our partner. In this work we give up blame, of others or ourselves, take 100% accountability for our experience and responses, and we get to the heart of the matter so we can create mutual understanding and free flowing love.

  • Please know that I do not work with clients in crisis, who do not have basic stability in their life. There are therapists who specialize in this work and are very helpful in this regard. I am not one of them. My expertise and passion rests within assisting clients to engage their greater consciousness and life, from an already stable, even if miserable, place.

  • If you resonate with much or all of this, we will likely be a great team for what you are wanting in any aspect of your life.

  • For my one-time, introductory session, I charge a significant reduction from my regular fees. I show you how I would work with you which is much more illuminating than me telling you how I work. I will share with you any recommendations and insights I have to support you on your journey and in meeting your goals, regardless of your decision about engaging my services.

  Payment of services: 

  • I do not take insurance, and all services must be paid the day of service. Almost all of my Therapy slots are for those who can pay out of pocket and pay my full fee.

  • I make one exception, with Kaiser. I have a few client slots that I reserve for those who have Kaiser coverage. If you have Kaiser insurance, please feel free to contact me to see if I have any Kaiser slots available.

  • Also please note that marriage and couples counseling is only covered by insurance when it is deemed necessary to support one or the other of the couple in their already established treatment of a diagnosed mental health issue. The couples counseling must be identified by the primary Therapist as a necessary component of the individual’s therapy treatment and goals.

  • Please note that Coaching of any kind is not covered by any insurance. For a service to be covered by insurance, it must be deemed as medically necessary. Note: I don’t make these rules, the insurance companies do.

I look forward to getting to explore together if we feel like a great partnership for what you, or you & your partner are wanting and needing.

Contact Me




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



